Shenrezig from the pass, Yading in May 2010 by Rolleicord and Ektachrome, originally uploaded by jiulong.
Kham then and now. A photoblog showing how eastern Tibet looked in the 1920s and how the same places and people look now. Based on the explorations of botanist Joseph Rock.
These pictures were all taken with my cheap and cheerful Rolleicord using Kodak Ektachrome film (now discontinued - sob sob), during a long 'outer kora' (circuit) of the three sacred peaks Chanadorje, Jambeyang and Shenrezig in May 2010.
This picture was taken with my cheap and cheerful Rolleicord using Kodak Ektachrome film (now discontinued - sob sob), during a long 'outer kora' (circuit) of the three sacred peaks Chanadorje, Jambeyang and Shenrezig in May 2010.
These pictures were all taken with my back-up Leica M2 during a long 'outer kora' (circuit) of the three sacred peaks Chanadorje, Jambeyang and Shenrezig in May 2010.
Jazzed up a bit in Photoshop because the original was a terrible print - scanned this from the negative.
Taken on the way down from the lakes on the last day of our outer kora trek..