Tomorrow evening I was due to be setting off on what should have been my 'final' Rock trip, to Gansu province. I was hoping to fly to Lanzhou and visit some of the places that Rock explored during his extended trip to Amnye Machen, namely the monasteries at Choni and Ragya. However, it was not meant to be. A couple of weeks ago I had an accident cycling home from work, in which I broke my ankle and tibia after being squashed by a car. Ten weeks on crutches, and I can't even walk to the bus stop without a couple of rests, so there'l be no walking in the footsteps of Rock for a while either.
My flight ticket also turned out to effectively be non-refundable/changeable as well. Hint - don't ever book with Zuji, unless you like making long futile calls to Indian call centres.
Ah well, perhaps next year.