A fascinating trip report from these two Hong Kong 'birders'. It includes some excellent pictures and also some very up to date information on travel up the Litang river valley to Muli from Xichang and Lugu Lake. I never realised there was so much bird life in this region.
See their website here (http://johnjemi.hk/journey_tr/cn/ynsc/2006_12_yn_sc.htm)
They also have the first contemporary pictures I have ever seen of the Waerdje temple near Chabulang - this was one of the three Royal residences of the King of Muli. He alternated between the monasteries at Muli (Wachang), Kulu (now known as Kangwu) and Waerdje (now known as Waerzhai). I had heard that the other temples were mostly ruins, but these pictures suggest some rebuilding has been done.
Here is a picture of monks at Waerdje that Rock took in the 1920s: